Our Experience is the Key to Your Success


Our advisory focus is on Financial Institutions, Real Estate Investment Trusts, Funds, Developers, and other real estate investors and market participants in real property and mortgages. Our practice also includes assisting attorneys and accountants with our mortgage and real property expertise.

Axivest employs in client engagements our vast experience as advisors, financial service providers and equity investors over the last 28 years with numerous Wall Street firms, FNMA (Fannie Mae), FHLMC (Freddie Mac), FSLIC, RTC, banks, real estate developers, mortgage lenders, and borrowers on commercial and residential properties. We also have a history and experience as equity investors in mortgage loan portfolios and real estate development projects both commercial and residential.

Our advisory services include:
a. Real Estate collateral assessment evaluation, as well as development and construction project management and administrative oversight to include monitoring to insure proper execution, completion and attainment of anticipated collateral value.
b. Asset Management Advisory Services to include operations, value add strategies to preserve and create value and best execution transaction support.
c. Asset or Loan resolution or strategic turnaround advisory services as well as transaction execution (mortgage loans and RE projects)
d. Real Estate project analysis, highest and best use evaluation, and financial and market feasibility.
e. Mortgage loan transaction support and due diligence
f. Buy and sell side real estate and mortgage loan due diligence
g. Mortgage Loan work out, modification refinance and assumption advisory